If Only Forever читать онлайн

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Год издания неизвестен.

Номер издания: 9781632919656.


"35 year old Emily Mitchell has fled her job, apartment and ex-boyfriend in New York City for her father's historic, abandoned home on the coast of Maine, needing a change in her life and determined to make it a B&B. She had never expected, though, that her relationship with its caretaker, Daniel, would turn her life on its head.

Emily is still reeling from Daniel’s proposal. As all seems to finally fall into place in her life, she looks forward to an exciting engagement year ahead, from shopping for a venue and a wedding dress, to creating her invite list, to setting a date.

But all does not goes as planned. The endless events of the engagement year add more stress than joy, putting pressure on their relationship as they are forced to make hard choices. Adjusting to life as parents doesn’t make it any easier, as Chantelle runs into problems at school and as a custody battle looms over them. As Christmas and New Years approach, the stress is only compounded.

Meanwhile, as the B&B adds new guests and staff and as they find more priceless antiques, Emily discovers a shocking secret that just may bring her one step closer to finding her father.

Will she and Daniel get married? Or will the stress of the engagement break them apart forever?"

Sophie Love - If Only Forever



The ring was more beautiful than Emily remembered. A twisting band of silver was interwoven with blue that reminded her of the ocean. A family of pearls nestled together. It was gorgeous, unique, and so utterly perfect.

A snowflake landed on Emily’s hand, bringing her back to the moment. She glanced at Daniel, still down on one knee on the beach, black waves crashing behind him, stars twinkling above him, sand clinging to his pant legs. Tears glittered in his eyes and Emily felt her own eyes well up in response. She couldn’t move, couldn’t stand. The only thing she wanted to do was hold Daniel and never let go.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his body close to hers, kissing the exposed flesh on his neck over and over again and then winding her fingers into his hair.

“I’m so in love with you,” she whispered.

“I love you more than words can say,” Daniel replied, breathlessly. Then, with a small laugh, he added, “You’re shivering.”

Emily giggled too, feeling girlish, carefree. “That would be the snow,” she said.

They finally pulled apart. Daniel grasped Emily’s hand and pulled her to standing.

“Should we head back?” he asked.

Emily thought of the Thanksgiving party taking place in her B&B at this very moment. Practically the whole town was congregated there; surely her and Daniel’s absence would have been noted by now. But she didn’t want to go back. Not yet. She wanted to stay here with Daniel in this perfect moment for as long as possible.

Emily shook her head and rubbed the goose pimples on her arms. “Can’t we stay here a bit longer?”

Daniel smiled tenderly. “Of course.” He wrapped her in his arms. Together they rocked back and forth, as though dancing to music only they could hear.

“I can’t wait to tell Chantelle,” Daniel murmured after a while.

At the mention of Daniel’s daughter, Emily felt a sudden surge of excitement. The little girl would be so happy for them. Suddenly, the idea of getting back to the B&B seemed much more appealing. Emily desperately wanted to see Chantelle’s face when they broke the news. It would be like a fairytale ending for the child who’d had such a terrible start in life.

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