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Издано в 2019 году.

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School… For everyone, school is something different. For some, childhood and adolescence, for some it is a place of work, and for some it is an arena for showdowns and full-fledged battles. School remains in the memory because it leaves behind a trail of emotions, they make us scroll through the head of past stories again and again. Today You will get acquainted with the plot, which… and let it be an intrigue. Pleasant easy reading, friends, pleasant emotions and for someone can be very, very special memories…Содержит нецензурную брань.

Nikolay Lakutin - School history

The big break had been over ten minutes ago, but the teacher was still out. Guys tried not to make noise, to not attract special attention. This state of Affairs more than suited them, because in English today was scheduled to test work, and knowledge in this area in the classroom much no one shone.

Suddenly the door swung open and a flushed Sashka rushed into the classroom, shouting through his shortness of breath:

"The biologist in the dining room is fighting an Englishwoman!"

The desks flew upside down, and in a few seconds the classroom was empty. A few seconds later, a crowd of students gathered in the dining room, surrounding the arena that had been formed, on which two not-so-teacher-looking ladies were lying to each other.


– So! – concluded the Director of the school Zoya Mikhailovna at the evening meeting, having gathered in his office all the teachers-no kids, dear, so it will not go. Who allowed you, dear Klavdia Matveevna you and Alexandra Soldown to put up a fight in the dining room… without warning the others. Without the sweepstakes, you know, without a decent audience. Don't you think we'd all be interested in seeing it and making some money?

The colleagues nodded their heads in disapproval, echoing the headmistress's words.

– You understand that a fight can not solve the problem, in a predominantly female team? "the fact that one of you is pulling the hair out of a fellow sparring partner does not promise any outcome at all." For example, today one another face will scratch him, but tomorrow is another first pour something into the tea. We've been through this before, it's no use!

After these words, Zoya Mikhailovna wanted to drink the coffee brought to her by the Secretary, but after seeing the girl with a friendly look, she put the glass aside.

"What was the fight about?"

The guilty parties were silent, exchanging angry glances.

"Silence?" Well, well… it's like we're all without eyes and can't see anything. Yes, everyone knows that you can not divide Trudovik! the headmistress shouted indignantly. – Valeriy Stepanovich has been ruffling the nerves of the women's team for five good years. And any who, you bastard, not given!

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