Selfie with the Rед читать онлайн

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Издано в 2024 году.

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Although he did not believe that the little red rooster could completely change his life, Red brought him to his dreams, made him famous, made him love…

Adam Noah Li - Selfie with the Rед

Our street is situated in one of the oldest quarters of Baku city. Like Icherisheher, the Maiden Tower, Seaside Boulevard of Baku, our quarter has its own qualities. Most of the inhabitants of our quarter are the grandchildren and the great-grandchildren of those who had once left their villages for the capital in search of happiness. Among them there are different professionals, some are rich and some are poor, but all of them chose this place to settle down.

Since my childhood years I saw smile on the faces of these people. Who knows maybe the reason of their smiling is that they want the spirits of their grandfathers or great-grandfathers who left their homeland for Baku in search of happiness be glad.

Though our quarter is situated in the outer part of the city there is also Millionaire

street, the middle quarter resembling the centre of the city and the outer quarter surrounded with skyscrapers. Our street is in the middle quarter, the back of it is the Millionaire quarter. In fact, nobody knows the inhabitants living in that quarter are really millionaires or not. Simply the estates which are built there are nice and charming, that was why everybody calls that quarter as ‘ Millionaire quarter’.

The children of our quarter distinguish from the others. The children of our quarter make friends with one another not according to their ages, but according to their interests. That is to say, there are bird-fanciers, dog-fanciers, those who keep exotic fishes, horse-fanciers, cat-fanciers, or who keep rabbits, tortoises, sea mice. So, the children group according to their interests for the animals.

It is true, among the groups there are the children who are football fans, music-fans or who love cars or different clothes. The inhabitants of our quarter have special love for the animals.

Still I don’t belong to any of the fan groups of our quarter children. It has only one reason, it is my love for the books.

At times when I borrowed my favorite book from the library, before heading our home I stopped at the children playing in the yard, looked at their dogs, carts or doves. Then I realized that it was impossible to read a book while talking with the animal fans. So, I headed our home, wanted to read the book.

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