Revenge – served cold читать онлайн

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Издано в 2024 году.

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What could be worse than the betrayal of a loved one? Only the news that you have been cynically used for several years. And there are only two ways out of this situation: to cower in a corner and weep, or to mobilize all your strength and take revenge!

English (US). Уровень: Intermediate

Обложка сгенерирована с помощью нейросети маджорни мной!

Лидия Антонова - Revenge – served cold


A quiet evening suddenly turned into a nightmare that turned my whole life upside down. And all thanks to social media, or rather, my classmates. A letter sent by a strange woman made me forget how to breathe. No, she didn't write anything horrible. She didn't even threaten or insult me, she just threw down some wedding photos. But what pictures! My Dimitri in a light suit hugged a girl in a wedding dress and was completely happy.

My head was buzzing, my heart was beating and freezing. I can't believe his betrayal. We had called yesterday morning to discuss the future renovation of our apartment in Moscow. The house had just been recently completed, and the mortgage was really hard on our pockets. But it's our little nest!

And now it has another mistress!

Shaken and angry, she angrily stammered into the message:

"What's the joke? Go have fun with other fools!"

I was about to send the interlocutor to the ban, as she sent me an upside-down laughing emoticon and a link to VK.

Instead of blocking the messages, I clicked on the link and found myself on the page of a certain Diana Serebryakova (!!!) in maiden name Akhmadulina.

Feeling as if I was made of absorbent cotton, I clicked a few times with my naughty hands and looked through a dozen photos. Here is my Dimitri posing with relatives at the registry office, here he puts a ring on the finger of another, and here he is with her by the pool with a cocktail in his hands.

I couldn't believe it! I wanted to get the message that it was a joke and Photoshopped. But the further I leafed through the album, the more my hopes melted. Dimitri and Diana had been in a relationship for several years, as evidenced by the photo report. Yes, they even had joint photo shoots!

There was only one thought in my head: "How could he?!" He and I have been together for almost five years now. We bought an apartment, paid the mortgage together. For the last year we haven't even had money for tickets to see each other!

A new message from my classmates coincided with the doorbell. I didn't pay attention to the last one, but I went to the messages.

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